AVPN Global Conference 2023 | 20 - 22 June 2023

Natasha Rynjah
Assistant Director, Capital Mobilisation




In her current role, Natasha oversees the strategic deployment of philanthropic capital in the region, across gender equality, climate action, health and youth empowerment. This intersects with her work focused on strengthening non-profit organisations through capacity-building initiatives, ensuring regulatory compliance, and actively contributing to trust-based philanthropy and collaborative models. Before joining AVPN, Natasha garnered valuable experience in corporate engagement, specialising in facilitating and steering sustainability initiatives. Her expertise lies in aiding companies and organisations to achieve their sustainability goals through the establishment of effective and impactful partnerships and programmes. Natasha has a Masters in Environmental Management from the National University of Singapore. She has also worked at the intersection of infrastructure development and community well-being through environmental and social impact assessment, rehabilitation efforts, community engagement, and livelihood initiatives.