AVPN Global Conference 2023 | 20 - 22 June 2023

Nadya Maudina
Growth & Partnership Officer


Yayasan Indika Untuk Indonesia (Indika Foundation)


Passionate about social change, I joined the Indika Foundation with a strong desire to make a tangible difference and directly contribute to the organization's mission of fostering a peaceful and inclusive Indonesia. With experience in national and international collaborations, as well as in building and maintaining relationships with external and internal parties, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to my role at Indika Foundation. I am particularly dedicated to empowering youth and marginalized communities, believing that their voices and contributions are essential for creating a more equitable and thriving society. I am excited to collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations at AVPN to catalyze positive change and drive collective action towards a brighter future for Indonesia and beyond!