AVPN Global Conference 2023 | 20 - 22 June 2023


CARPE | EcoSattva: Tackling Pervasive Civic Challenges in India through BOTRAM

CARPE | EcoSattva is working towards achieving inclusive and sustainable cities, towns, and villages. We focus on smaller cities through a research and data-driven holistic sectoral approach.


CARPE | EcoSattva

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SDGs covered

Endorsed by

Desai & Associates

Market of Implementation

  • India


India generates over 150,000 Metric Tonnes (MT) of solid waste every day, of which 135,000 MT is collected waste. However, only 20% of this ~ 27,000 MT waste is processed and the remaining is dumped in landfill sites without any scientific processing methods. Unscientific waste treatment, improper methods for collection of waste, and lack of source segregation leads to hazards like environmental degradation, water pollution, soil pollution and air pollution. In majority of Indian towns and cities, seasonal rivers are vulnerable and degrading water sources making them a major source of untreated waste entering the oceans. This rapid degradation of environment is a common scenario in urban areas, depriving residents of clean air, water, and spaces.


Grounded in the core principles of resource recovery, rewilding, and rejuvenation through capacity building and data management, we have developed an in-house BOTRAM method that has been successfully implemented in 14 territories in India and abroad. BOTRAM stands for six key steps that need to be implemented in a particular geography for the complete overhaul of SWM systems, green cover management, and watershed restoration.

BOTRAM is a people-oriented process that brings the government machinery, residents & the sanitation team together and thus ownership of these municipal systems of any location lies with them. Buy-in from all the stakeholders goes a long way during the implementation of the processes & ensures success. This also ensures program sustainability once we exit after a handover and avoids creation of a parallel system. At a very low cost of 6 dollars per household/450 INR, BOTRAM is agnostic to the existing systems and ensures that there is an end to end solution.

For more information on our solution, do refer to our Slide Deck.

Type of Carbon Reduced/Sequestered

CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)

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